Saturday, February 6, 2021

XOXO! ❤️ Year of the OX!


The Lunar or Chinese New Year falls on February 12 this year and according to those endless interwebs, 2021 is the year of the OX. How perfectly postal!! I sign all my letters with X’s and O’s. 😉 

I live in rural America and am neighbors with all kinds of cow-type creatures, but I am not a farm girl and don’t know that much about the bovine family. What are oxen exactly? Are they the same as cows? Bulls? Steer? Heifers? Why are there so many names for cows? How does one tell the good cows from the best cows? They all appear to be outstanding in their field? 😂 

I may not know anything about those cow-type creatures but my research revealed that an ox is a mature, castrated male belonging to the domestic cattle family who was trained to do work, pulling plows and wagons and the like. Because he had to be so strong he was not considered an ox until he was at least four years old. Hence the term, “strong as an ox!” 


I have quite a few farmer friends that raise cattle. I think I will add them to my letter list for February Letter Month and send them some OX inspired snailmail in honor of the lunar new year and in celebration of their herd of cow-type creatures!! 🐄 

I found a super cute origami ox envelope at RED TED ART (click link for directions) to include in my snailmail and of course, a cow pun or two is always fun! Be careful of teasing cows, however. They can be really moody. 😂 

And don’t forget to check out one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE epistolary books, XO, OX A Love Story by Adam Rex and illustrated by Scott Campbell. See my review in the Literary Letters section of this blog! 📖 ❤️ 

However you choose to celebrate the year of the OX, I hope it includes some snailmail with fabulous cow-type postage!!  

Go postal, people!


Mrs. Murphy🐮 

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