“All sorrows are less with bread.” This sentiment, expressed by Sancho Panza in Don Quixote, is, I feel, quite accurate. I recently received a gift of bread made by an actual baker. 🥰 It cheered me to no end!
There is nothing like bread. In its simplicity lies its genius. Every culture and people group has their own version of bread. We can eat it at every meal and never tire of it. We break it and bless it and share it. It nourishes and satisfies, giving us strength, energy and restoration. It’s brings us together in community. It unites us around the table. It is a celebration of our humanity. It is the symbol of our daily needs and a metaphor for the ultimate fulfillment of them...our Savior, Jesus. Not to mention...it’s tasty and delicious! 😋🥖🥐🍞
One of my “old lady goals” is to be able to bake a decent loaf of bread. I practice frequently and like to think I am getting better. Recently Mr. Murphy had a birthday and he requested a loaf of my homemade bread! (Yay! I feel validated by that!😁)
This month I am taking some time to dwell on the significance of bread in my life. I will take special note of the mentions of bread in the Bible and I will give praise and thanksgiving to the Giver of the Bread of Life. AND...one of my outgoing letters will be a thank you note for the dear baker who got me thinking about the wonder that is bread!! (No pun intended!😉)
Mrs. Murphy
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