Sunday, January 8, 2017

2017 More Magic Snail Mail Postal Challenge!

Hello, fellow snailmail enthusiasts!! Welcome to 2017! I'm excited to start a new postal challenge in 2017.  One of my postal goals is to send more mail in 2017 than I did in 2016 (and document it better...I'm admittedly horrible at that). My lofty goal is to post 365 pieces of mailbox magic!

The Murphy family took a family vacation to the amazing state of Arizona to start the new year. It was a perfect opportunity to send some lovely postcards. I posted 12 little pieces of touristy magic from the Grand Canyon State! Winning!

Join me in a postal challenge for 2017!  It's a fun and simple way to brighten someone's day and spread a little joy and love in 2017! #MoreMagicMail

Make 2017 your best postal year yet!! Send more mail, people!  It's magic!!

Mrs. Murphy

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