Tuesday, January 27, 2015

List Letters

Who doesn't LOVE to make lists? Let me give you my top 10 reason why lists are so great!  Just kidding, but seriously, lists are handy and brief and totally awesome!  So why not translate that lovely listy-ness into a letter?

Have you heard of LISTOGRAPHY? It's a website and book series that helps you create your autobiography through list making. Listography is chock full of ideas to get your creative juices flowing...

  1. List pets you've had and their names.
  2. List places you've lived.
  3. List your favorite websites.
  4. List your best purchases.
  5. List all your past hang-outs.
  6. List your crushes.
  7. List your most embarrassing moments or habits.

Start making a list of topics for lists!  Collage your lists together on a larger piece of paper or write several lists on individual list paper to combine in one jumbo pack envelope of listy goodness!
To keep the fun going, include a few blank lists for your pen friend to fill out and return to you!

I hope I've inspired you to make some list mail today. Don't forget to put it on your "To-Do" List. It's magical!!

Go Postal, everybody!
XOXO Mrs. Murphy


  1. Just stopping by to say again how much I love your blog posts. So creative, fun and inspiring. Thank you.

    1. Thanks, JarieLyn! I appreciate your kind words of support!
