Saturday, September 13, 2014

It Really Is Magic!!!

From the name of my blog, one can deduce that I believe snail mail is magical.  Mail can lift one's spirit on a down day.  Mail can make one laugh when a cartoon or silly pun (my favorite) is enclosed. Letters can connect long separated friends and forge new relationships with strangers from other lands.  There is no end to the joy it can bring!

Today I was on the receiving end of some of that snail mail magic!  I was visiting my sweet mother-in-law in the memory care unit where she lives when a staff member brought in the day's post. My mother-in-law had received a lovely package of shells and a beautiful handmade card. I was admiring her mail when we realized that there was a letter for me included in the parcel!! This wonderful correspondent, Miss Patti, has been reading my blog and sent along a letter for me with the mail for my in-laws!!

Thanks for the wonderful surprise and bit of postal magic to brighten up my day, Patti!! I loved it.

Start sending mail, people! You never know what magic awaits!!

Let's go postal, everybody!!

XOXO Mrs. Murphy

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mrs. Murphy -
    How did the months get away from me since I last visited your blog?!?
    Delightful posts, as always!
    And this post reminds me that it is time to make your dear mother-in-law a birthday card!
    Patti Rosenthal : ).
