Monday, January 1, 2018

Wishing You a Happy New Year and A Full Mailbox

As 2018 dawns I am excited to begin another year of postal projects! Sending and receiving mailbox magic has truly been a highlight of 2017! Thanks for sharing in my love of all things postal!

I've checked my mailing logs and am happy to announce I mailed 161 pieces of mail incuding letters, postcards, notes, cards and packages in 2017!! I didn't quite reach my goal, but it was my first year of recording all my outgoing post so I'm looking forward to surpassing that number in 2018! This year I think I will log the correspondence I receive, too!  It will be wonderful to look back on that information at the end of the year...a record of all the postal people who have corresponded with me across the globe!  Magic! 

As always I am hoping to think of new and creative ways to connect with friends and loved ones via the postal system and share them with you here on my little Snailmail Blog! Thanks for all of your kind comments and support thoughout the year! May your mailboxes be full in 2018! 

Go postal, everybody!

Mrs. Murphy

"More than kisses, letters mingle souls."  John Donne


  1. Hi, I've been searching the web for other blogs about postal letter writing. I'm a life long postal pen pal enthusiast. For years I published a print pen pal newsletter. Recently I started a blog (linked) and thought I'd transfer articles from my old print newsletter to blog posts - plus have other postal related content. I'm a Christian as well, and have another blog about Christianity. Anyways, glad to find your blog!

    1. It's always wonderful to find another postal enthusiast. Good luck with your letter writing endeavors!
