Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Thanks, Doc!

There are some amazing people out there! Wonderful people, strangers, really, who touch our lives during our most vulnerable moments. These fabulous folks are doctors, nurses and healthcare providers. 

Last fall the youngest Murphy Brother broke his elbow during a football game. It was a very sad time for all of us. Our son's senior season was lost and we weren't too sure if he would be able to play basketball, his favorite sport. 

Well, one of those amazing strangers came into our lives and gave our boy a new elbow and his senior year back!! The orthopedic surgeon that helped our son was just doing his job but to me and my family he's a real hero! Because of this doctor's work our son just completed an outstanding basketball season with a fabulous team. The highlight of the season was the game he dunked twice in one quarter with his surgically repaired elbow!! Woo hoo!!

I had to send this wonderful physician some thank you snailmail!! I hope he gets a sense of how grateful we are!!

I created some simple circle sports people for the front of the plain white card and inked in the word "Thanks". Easy, right? I wrote a heartfelt letter of thanks on the inside. Hopefully our boy's doctor will like this little bit of mailbox magic!!

Do you have some professional people in your life that really made a difference? A doctor, nurse, lawyer, realtor, plumber, hair stylist? Go ahead and send them a letter of appreciation.  Everyone loves a little mailbox magic thank you note! Even if they were "just doing their job."

Send some snailmail to your own amazing strangers! It's magic!!

Go postal, people!!

Mrs. Murphy