K. Gibran.
This outgoing post idea is all about that necessary skill we were first introduced to in our toddler days...sharing!! Now we may not have been too keen on the concept when we were in our terrible twos, but "share mail" is most assuredly fun!! The idea is simple. Brainstorm a few ideas you would like to share with your pen pal. Here's a few ideas from my list...
1. I really love...
2. My wish list...
3. Recently pinned on Pinterest...
4. I'm currently listening to...
5. Done today....
6. Still to do...
7. I'm looking forward to...
8. Book I'm reading now...
9. What's on my mind...
After you come up with some fun things to share about yourself, create your letter!! Here's the start of mine...
I sectioned off my letter into little boxes, but you could make a mini book, bullet point list or simply write it out paragraph style. The possibilities are endless! It's also fun to enclose an identical (but blank) version of your share mail for your pen pal to fill out and mail back to you. (They may not do it unless they are a true snailmail enthusiast, but might as well encourage them all we can, right?)
What's a sure fire way to increase the happiness in your life? Share your joy with another! It's magic!
Go postal, everybody!!
XOXO Mrs. Murphy
Oh, oh, oh....send me one!!! I'll send it back, I promise!! :)