Thursday, September 23, 2021

Falling for Snailmail


Oh, Fall!! There are so many reasons I love this season; warm days, cool nights, apples, pumpkins, harvest, foliage, fires, cozy sweatshirts and cuddling. 🥰 It’s simply delightful. 

I know that I am not alone in this appreciation of autumn. It seems that fall is a common subject for some of my favorite poets, too. 

“It's the first day of autumn! A time of hot chocolatey mornings, and toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all, leaping into leaves!" 

(Winnie the Pooh - Pooh’s Grand Adventure)

“Go, sit upon the lofty hill,

And turn your eyes around, 

Where waving woods and waters wild 

Do hymn an autumn sound. 

The summer sun is faint on them— 

The summer flowers depart— 

Sit still— as all transform’d to stone, 

Except your musing heart.”

(Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

Super Murphy Boy is getting married this fall so we have even more reasons to celebrate!! 

During the down time following the wedding I am hoping to continue the celebration of the season by getting back into my snailmail!!  (It’s always Snailmail season 🐌 📬 😊)

There are a few fun stamps that remind me of fall that I am anxious to use and I plan on reading a fall themed book. I think “September” by Rosamunde Pilcher sounds like the perfect read. 

What have you included on your fall fun list? Why not write someone a letter and tell them all about it!! 🍁 

Remember, it’s always snailmail season!! 

Go postal, people! 


Mrs. Murphy